Each shoe style can work your feet, hips, knees, posture differently. Having different types of shoes is actually healthy. Of course, having the right shoes is important.
You do need some “minimal” shoes—shoes that mimic your bare feet by not having too much stiff arch support or a restrictive toe area with a incorporating a very thin, flexible sole—tend to have stronger, stiffer feet than those who wear traditional shoes. You also need sturdier shoes depending on weather and lots of other factors. Here are some health checks for your shoes you can do right now:
- Put your work shoes on. Start with simple standing, rock a bit forward and back come to the middle, do you feel centered? You should be able to not feel like you have to arch or slump to feel centered.
- How fast can you walk without your feet hurting in your shoes? Are you slower than your friends? or a lot slower than you used to be
- Check the bottoms of your shoes are you wearing them out unevenly?
- How many days do you reach 11,000 steps without being at all sore? That is only a 10% increase on your daily 10,000 steps, you should be in good enough shape for that!
- Do you get calf or toe cramps in your shoes when walking fast? Take off your shoes, test your big toe strength! Can you lift your big toe without lifting the other 4 toes? If not you have poor muscle strength in your legs and hip and need to work on that!
- Check out a video of yourself: are you waddling, dragging your feet, do your hips or knees just look awkward, or do you have a hitch to your step? All are probably do not only to your shoes but poor gait!
- Do you have the right shoe for HITT class or for spinning class, different sports: different shoes. And eventually translate into feet healthy or not so healthy.
At Hada, Cosmetic Medicine, Hatha Yoga and Fitness, Women’s Health Practice we’d love to discuss all aspects of your fitness health!