Zinc is a Micronutrient That Packs a Big Punch

Zinc is a trace mineral widely available in meat, sea food, eggs and plant sources including kale, peas, and beet greens. If none of that sounds tasty reach for Kellog’s All Bran Wheat Flakes. Zinc participates in over 300 enzymatic reactions in the body.

Because zinc is harder for us to chemically extract from vegetarian food sources there is lower bioavailability in plant sources.  Vegetarians and vegans need 50% more zinc from supplements. Zinc blood levels vary depending upon how much meat you eat. . Zinc absorption from food decreases if you have gastrointestinal issues or with bariatric surgery.

Symptoms of zinc deficiency are fatigue, diarrhea, hair loss, rough skin texture, difficulty with focus, poor wound healing, and white spots on your nails. Blood testing can indicate if low zinc is really the root cause of these conditions or other contributing health factors.

Zinc for Moms

In pregnancy mom’s zinc levels have direct health effects on the fetus of being deficient in zinc has been known for over 50 years and some famous studies of dwarfism in Iran had been traced to zinc deficiencies.

Zinc for Metabolism and Repair

Zinc is necessary for the function of dozens of our body’s metabolic enzyme systems; it is important for our immune system, the repair of DNA and for wound healing. Over 70 enzyme systems of skin and hair alone need zinc for proper function. It is linked to skin disease, hair loss, hair greying prematurely, skin aging, poor sense of smell, inability to taste as well, infertility, thought processes, and poor resistance to infection. It may be a cause of hair growth cycle disturbances.

Zinc for Your Skin

For those getting cosmetic treatments getting the right amount of zinc in your diet helps you heal more quickly and help enhance the way your products are working for your skin’s protection. Sun screens and cosmetics comprised with zinc can help your skin be less irritated and less dry or flaky. If you have had diarrhea your skin can be listless for a variety of reasons: low fluid levels, too little magnesium and potassium in your system due to the loss during diarrhea, and low zinc can be responsible for the symptoms of being pale as well. New studies show it is also helpful for acne, and allergic skin conditions. Neither rosacea or psoriasis have been shown to be sensitive to zinc addition.

Too Much Fiber, Iron or the Wrong Gut Bacteria will Compromise Zinc Levels

Many of us try to increase fiber in our diet which is generally beneficial for your health. Since zinc is absorbed in the small intestine too much fiber can oddly bind up your zinc and you can suddenly have a zinc deficiency you did not have before. Too much zinc can be both toxic and compromise the amount of copper, another trace mineral, in your body. Too much iron can also affect how we absorb zinc from our intestinal track. Microbiologic imbalances to gut microbiome can interfere with mineral levels. Discussing these issues with your gyno, boils down to a basic diet analysis.

Zinc for Bone Health

Zinc reversed hormone related bone loss in rats. Calcium with trace minerals is better than calcium alone. Because that improves the bone antioxidant defenses. And with this improved anxtioxidant defense is improved bone architecture. So a DXA with proper bone structure analysis is important.

Zinc and Iron Harmony

Both iron and zinc insufficiency have been studied relative to changes in mood and thought processing. Seven out of ten major studies found improvements in aspects of mood and cognition after iron supplementation. Iron supplementation appeared to improve memory and intellectual ability in participants aged between 12 and 55 years in seven studies, regardless of whether the participant was initially iron insufficient or suffering from iron-deficiency anemia.

Zinc, Selenium, and Hormone Balance

Zinc, copper, and selenium are all necessary for proper thyroid hormone production.

Selenium is usually from plant sources, especially cereals, but the soil they are grown in affects their content significantly. In our country the high plain grown cereals have the highest selenium concentrations. Studies indicate that our trace metal levels  ncluding zinc are altered by the use of hormonal contraceptives. They found like other studies that zinc levels were significantly lowered and selenium levels were slightly lowered by the use of oral contraceptive pills in their healthy users. While this might be more relevant to a Middle Eastern or halal diet all oral contraceptive pill users may want to consider trace elements when balancing their diets.

Recently a study showed that selenium can normalize the TSH thyroid count in those hypothyroid individuals not taking thyroid medication.

For testing, evaluation, and consultation regarding your levels of zinc, selenium or other nutrients, call WHP Wellness at 217-356-3736 for an appointment.