We measure our skin care regimen in seconds and minutes, but only during a Hada Laser Treatment can you measure your treatments by fractions of a second!
The use of the PicoSure treatment fires in a very rapid short sequence of time, the picosecond. The picosecond is trillionth of a second during the therapy little thermal energy delivers into the skin. The precise laser wavelength 755 nm favors melanin over hemoglobin. The PicoSure treatments differ from other laser therapies, through the use of photomechanical therapy not heat delivery. PicoSure laser, therefore a unique opportunity to treat a variety of skin concerns. PicoSecond laser uses a fractionated beam so thousands of pieces of light delivers to skin dermis. Many publications show safety of Picosure in all types of skin.
The PicoSure treatment maximizes skin benefit and minimizes those features which slow healing and dampen results
Lasers remove microscopic areas of skin to allow healing. The damage created triggers the healing. Too much inflammation or damage slows healing. PicoSure laser maximizes skin benefit and minimizes those features which slow healing and dampen results.
Skin brightening is determined by many factors, one factor is to get the proper light reflection by getting the young tone and color back into your skin. Sometimes we see what appears to be black dots in our skin, those black dots called the black head is not an impacted pimple but dead skin and old melanin pigment in the pores. PicoSure, and other treatments, help clear those lesions. No age is too young to brighten skin! By getting started in your 20s you have brighter, better tone and you have ‘set the stage’ for preventative care. By using these treatments as we get older the benefits are in reversing the aging of the skin.
Fillers and Botox have dramatic effects, but neither filler and toxin can completely with loss of dermal elastin and breakdown of structural skin integrity at the root of wrinkles and sagging. Both light based laser therapies and skin care products can help with fundamental skin fixes.