If you understand facts, you can be more effective in your solution for the thorny problem of Excess Body hair, Hair pattern distribution is a reflection of our hormonal state. Various conditions of hormonal imbalance can cause gradual or rapid hair distribution changes. Excess hair in the male pattern for a female or hirsutism, occurs upper lip, face, earlobes, lower abdomen, between the breasts or elsewhere on the trunk, arms or legs. The true medical diagnosis refers to ‘terminal hair’ not the fine downy hair that is also possible to get in these same regions but has other causes. Causes can really only be determined after testing. Dieting can alter hair growth patterns. Hair needs nutrition, and hair loss can occur if the diet is too rapid,
A health concern
The excess body hair is the first sign in teen years a young woman’s disordered hormone levels. Excess unwanted hair can result from lack of ovulation. Virilization (the male effects on a female body) is a different condition all together. Virilization signs extend beyond excess hair, including deepen voice, shrinking breast size, with changes in the body including enlarging clitoris.
Body Hair Patterns Are Genetic and Occur in Cycles
The total number of potential hair follicles is genetic. Therefore, the number of total body hairs we have at 22 weeks of fetal life is what we have for life. So a hair removed by laser reduces the numbers of hairs we will ever have. Hormones, obesity, and other factors have minimal impact on these total numbers, just on the type of hair and how fast they grow. The anagen or growth cycle time regulates via hormones. Male hormone androgens increase the time body hair spends in growth but decreases the time scalp hair spends in growth.
Male Hormone and Hair Growth
Many causes of hormone imbalance can produce hirsutism, most commonly PCOS, but rarely it can be due to tumors of the adrenal gland or ovary. If you are experiencing excess body hair growth the hormone most responsible is the male hormone DHT an active form of testosterone in the skin hair follicles. Male hormone sensitive hair is thicker and darker, and considered our sexual hair. That hair is found on the face, the chest, the lower abdomen, the pubis, and in under arms. Hormone or endocrine problems other than testosterone imbalance results in all hairs, not just those in the sexual areas to grow. Males have more facial hair than females because they have more testosterone. Estrogen has the opposite effect of testosterone on hair, higher levels will cause body hair to be thinning, finer, and actually lighter. Progesterone do not affect hair growth.
We Know How to Make Hair Removal Successful
Laser hair reduction is effective, but working to control hormones at the same time will make treatments more successful. Body hair undergoes the same cycles of growth that other hair does, and these cycles are slow. Laser hair removal success therefore depends on, simultaneously working on your hormone levels will help the process a lot! Even genetically elevated male hormone levels rendered less damaging if your liver produces more SHBG. SHBG makes male hormones inactive. Furthermore, more SHBG slows hair growth significantly, and this protein can be elevated by the use of hormone therapy.
For those with PCOS lifestyle changes can help dramatically. Medical therapies such as using birth control, metformin, or spironalactone can work, but slowly over time. Remember spironalactone can reduce your vitamin D levels and you may need to increase supplements. Hair reducing strategies such as lasers work more rapidly, and can help treat acne. So to calm these medical conditions down: head both to a gynecologist and your aesthetician!