Youthful hands are healthiest!

Hada at Home Hand Cure

Hada at home hand tips help hand health. Hands age from sun, chemical contact, trauma, overuse injuries (cell phones), nutritional deficiencies, and genetic predisposition.

At Hada Cosmetic Medicine we recommend skin care extend to your fingertips.

Wrist and finger stretching exercises work best if done weekly.

For youthful and healthy hands incorporate medical and home therapies to your hands. Revision Boosting Serum will boost the energy in your skin and enhance other treatments.

Hand and wrist stretching exercises performed daily will enhance hand health. Most yoga classes incorporate hand and wrist stretching.

Supplements including CoQ10, DIM, Methylfactors, and Probiotics help circulation and oxygenation to improve hand health.

Sunscreen, topical antioxidants, and moisturizing agents should also be used on hands.

Exfoliate using fine ground walnuts, sugar, or salts in tiny doses added to your hand cream once a week.

Not all products absorb into rough damaged hands. A 30 minute application of plastic wrap (for instance Saran Wrap secured with tape) after application of skin produce dramatically improves product absorption. Furthermore, cotton gloves work too. Do one hand at a time if you can’t spend enough time off your iPad!

For those with actual medical conditions or patchy red areas due to allergic reactions, get evaluated by your medical provider. Three weeks of consistent treatment with this home remedy, and your hands will thank you!