Subtle imbalances in thyroid dull skin and lead to skin conditions

Your Thyroid and Your Skin

Thyroid imbalances leads to various skin conditions collectively called thyroid dermopathy. These skin acropachy skin changes localize to the pretibial area (shins). Moreover, in severe cases, thes skin conditions impact other organs, even your eyes.

Low and High Thyroid Levels Have Skin Consequences

Hypothyroidism, underactive thyroid, results in dry or coarse skin. Hyperthyroidism, overactive thyroid, luckily alters skin texture less frequently. In cases of hyperthyroidism, excessive production of thyroid hormones however, can cause sweating and reddening of the skin. Blushing, in the face and chest worsens with activity and overheating. Iatrogenic hyperthyroidism from excessively high dose of thyroxin medication produces identical skin reactions.

Hyperthyroid patients have smooth or puffiness. Hyperthyroid women have abnormally thin keratin layer on the skin’s surface flattening, they refer to their skin as smooth. The thinness produces the smoothing the texture. Thin skin is more prone to sun damage and burns. Myxedema puffiness of the skin caused by abnormal additional layers of collagen entrapping natural hyaluronic acid in unintended areas of the skin.

Grave’s Disease Effects the Skin Too

Graves’ disease, a hyperthyroid condition accompanied by abnormal high antibodies, including those targeting TSH receptors, can cause a distinct red and bumpy skin condition, rather than just localized to the shins, this rash extends to the whole extremity. Some patients with this condition may experience itching or the sudden appearance of hives.

Downstream Hormone Effects Causes Skin Consequences

Hyperthyroidism, can affect the metabolism of other hormones, such as cortisol, leading to imbalances in other systems, ultimately affecting the appearance of your skin. While these changes are not a direct effect of the thyroid gland, abnormal cortisol metabolism can result both in alterations in skin pigmentation and the development of stretch marks.

If you have noticed skin, hair, or nail issues, it is important to have your gland function tested. Blood tests can help diagnose most conditions, allowing for appropriate treatment and care. If you require assistance with managing your skin conditions, consider seeking guidance from a trusted professional, such as Hada Cosmetic Medicine.



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